MRI Study Profile

Research question

Which factors potentially explain the diffusion rate and utilisation pattern of MRI in Thailand  (both in the public and private sectors) and what is the impact on health care delivery and health care financing in terms of efficiency and equity?

Policy goals

  • To improve information about the use of MRI in public and private health sectors for policymakers and international agencies

  • To suggest policy recommendations on how to rationalise the diffusion and utilisation of MRI in the future.


Specific objectives

Both public and private centres in Thailand which have installed MRI

  1. To describe  regulatory structure, current use, trends in use, and the indications for use of MRI in Thailand classified by public/private hospitals, urban/rural distribution, patient  characteristics [e.g. domicile, payment status, insurance coverage] in order to assess whether MRI in Thailand is used efficiently and whether its use is equitable (equal access for equal needs)

  1. To collect financial data on MRI in order to estimate the costs of acquiring/procurement, cost behaviour/structure, cost recovery, break-even output.

  1. To describe the MRI environment: medical culture, number of doctors/radiologists, technicians involved related health care expenditure, number of machines relative to population in a greater area, comparative diffusion and pattern of use of CT-scanners.

  1. To describe the referral pattern

Population frame

27 public and private hospitals/centres in Thailand, which have installed MRI units, will be included in the study.


Expected outcomes

  • Understand current situation of MRI usage and distribution

  • Identify potential problems relevant to MRI usage

  • To formulate policy recommendations for improvement of efficiency and equity


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